November 25, 2015

him & her XIII: thankful


We all know that going around the table saying everything that you're grateful for is one of those Thanksgiving dinner staples. And, while there are certain things you just need to say you're thankful for on Thanksgiving, you rarely say what you're actually grateful for.

Of course, I am definitely thankful for things like my family, friends, and the gospel. But there are other things that you're also thankful for that you just can't say around the dinner table. Like, I'm thankful for Diet Coke. I'm thankful for Gilmore Girls. Or I'm thankful for my neighbor's dog. If I were to mention a few of these things in front of my n-laws, they would probably think I was crazy. Instead, you stifle your real feelings and say something more generic and "appropriate", because honesty isn't always the best policy.

So, in honor of Thanksgiving approaching, here are a list of the things I am grateful for. Both normal and unconventional.

My pal, Curtis
Family (mostly the baby nieces)
The gospel of Jesus Christ
Diet Coke Fountain Drinks
My teachers that gave me the whole week off
Justin's new album
Peanut Butter M&Ms
Grey's Anatomy


Thanksgiving is one of those holidays that everyone talks about, because of the food but often gets rushed through because of Christmas. I want to pay homage to this amazing holiday and say how thankful I am for Thanksgiving. We are all thankful for a lot of things, but Thanksgiving has always been a symbol of family gathering for me. I am grateful for the time we have had to celebrate it with family and loved ones. Let's try to remember how awesome Thanksgiving is while we have it, because I know it all changes once Black Friday comes along. Take some time to really think about what you are thankful for, express that and I know you will feel good about it. 

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Here is my list of things I am thankful for:

My beautiful wife, Hannah.
My religion
My friends
Comfortable socks
The Discovery Channel
A good job

The mountains

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