December 2, 2015

him & her XV: the christmas craze

H E R 

If you are completely obsessed with the holidays like I am, there are certain things you know to be true. It doesn't matter if you are the only 20-something in line to see Santa at the mall, or you have 10 different Christmas pandora stations. If you are the kind of person that knows every line from the first two Home Alones (not the third one, we all know that was crap), keep reading. 

Here are 8 things Christmas obsessed crazies can relate to:

1. You start watching Christmas movies after Halloween.
Who cares if you skipped over Thanksgiving. There are no good Thanksgiving movies anyway. 

2. Your Christmas tree is a work of art.
Whether it's a fake 3 ft tree from DI (like ours) or a real life 7 footer, you decorate that tree so beautifully that it would make your mom cry. 

3. Holiday shopping is your cardio. 
You live for the rush of holiday errands and the challenge of finding that perfect gift.

4. Your wrapping paper game is on point.
Let's be real the wrapping of the present is almost more important than the actual present.

5. You have three---Okay, ten---Christmas themed pinterest boards that you update daily.
You never know when you are going to need the perfect candy cane cookie recipe, even if it's March. 

6. Holiday parties are your jam.
Ugly sweaters, hot chocolate, and Christmas music are your favorite things.

7. You are always down to carol.
Maybe not going door to door to spread Christmas cheer, but randomly when you're at dinner with friends.

8. And in the end, you know the Holidays aren't about gifts.
They are about the people you share them with (and pie).


The Christmas Craze has been in full swing for like the last month in the Spear Home. I have always enjoyed Christmas, but marrying Hannah has opened my eyes to the world of white girls loving Christmas. 

For me the holidays have always been a symbol of being with family, celebrating the life of Jesus and of course good food, presents, and more. But this year I feel like married an Elf from the North Pole. Don't get me wrong, it is cute, but I haven't experienced someone so into Christmas in a long time, and its only the first week of December. As crazy as it seems, it is fun to get into the Christmas Spirit. Decorating the tree, making treats and Christmas songs bring back so many memories from my childhood.

I remember one year when I was like 6 or 7, Santa came to visit our house. Oh boy, was I stoked. I couldn't believe it. He said he was friends with my dad and I couldn't believe that my dad was friends with Santa! Well he came, he talked with us, asked us what we wanted and was on his way. After he left, NO JOKE, I ran to the window to look up in the sky and what did I see? A blinking red light in the sky! IT WAS RUDOLPH. ( Really just an airplane) But I remember thinking, no way, did I actually just see that? It was so cool. 

I also remember maybe the next year, my older brother telling me Santa was fake. I couldn't believe him. A few years later, I started to really wonder. When I was in like 5th grade, I was pretty sure I knew who Santa really was, so I tried taking our ghetto family video camera and setting it up by our Christmas tree. Needless to say, the battery died and I never got the footage. With time and age, my realizations came true, but it never changed my excitement and memories for the Christmas season.

Some of my favorite things about Christmas:

Family Time: Nothing is better than being with family and loved ones. Especially when your siblings finally have cute little kids.

Gospel: We think about our beliefs all year, but Christmas is a time to really sit there and appreciate it. I am so thankful for the knowledge and testimony I have of God and his son, Jesus. He is the Reason for the Season afterall.

Traditions: We do not have a lot of Christmas traditions, but I love the simple things we do as a family every year to celebrate.

Christmas Lights: I love driving around every year and seeing all the cool Christmas lights. In my family, we also go out one night the week of Christmas and enjoy the lights. And we yell, " PRETTY CHRISTMASSSS LIGHTSSSS" (My siblings and parents know the exact tone in which it is sung.) 

Christmas is a great time of the year. It reminds me of family, happiness and love. I hope you all get to enjoy it with those you love this year. Have a Merry Christmas Everyone!

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