May 12, 2016

him & her XX: one year older, wiser

H E R:

Curtis and I just celebrated our one year anniversary! One year seems like a long time, but I still feel like we are getting the hang of this whole marriage thing.

I can honestly say that I have never been happier than having Curtis by my side this past year. Everyone says that your wedding day is the happiest day of your life and in a sense it is. But for me it's the little things that happen every day that bring me the most joy.

When I wake up to Curtis making me eggs without me having to ask. The feeling/excitement I get when I see him for the first time after a long day. The comfort of knowing that it doesn't matter how much I hog the bed at night, Curtis will always be there in the morning.

Like I said before I don't feel like we are experts on marriage by any means, but we have learned a lot over this year.

Like it's okay to have arguments. It's hard to learn how to live with a boy or to be around someone 24/7. It's not supposed to be peachy all the time. It's just important to remember that we love each other and were on the same team.

Something I think is crucial is communication! A lot of times I will expect Curtis to do things without me having to tell him. Or assume he knows what I'm talking about without me actually saying anything. (Maybe it's a girl thing) Anyway, it's important to always communicate.

Even though it's only been a year we have to make sure we don't get too comfortable. I loved when we were dating and Curtis would leave me notes all the time and take me on thoughtful dates. If you don't continue to do things like this you will get in a rut! It's hard to remember, but just because you got married doesn't mean that you stop dating.

What an amazing year it's been and I'm excited for all the years to come!

H I M:

This year literally flew by! It sounds cliche, but time really does fly when you are having fun. I have never spent so much time with one person and to say we have been doing that for over a year now seems crazy to me. 

Marriage has panned out pretty much like I thought it would. I was always kind of nervous that I would miss having my alone time, but I find myself missing Hannah every day while I am at work. It is interesting to sit here and think that now we are in charge of our own futures, finances, decisions, etc. It has been a little scary, but overall a great learning experience. Now that we are married we are on our own!

I would say that the best part about marriage is never having to worry about being myself (weird). Somehow, Hannah not only loves me through it, but acts just as weird as I do. I love knowing that some things I do, do not phase Hannah. We were meant for each other. 

Hannah has been an amazing companion to me. She has helped me become more organized with my work and life in general. She sets a great example of using time wisely and I really love that about her. Everyone says you need to marry someone who makes you a better person. She makes me a better person. We are still two different people with opinions and personalities, but like Hannah said, we are on the same team and we are working towards the same goals. 

Remembering that helps us overcome our differences. I am thankful for such a loving, determined wife. If one year was this entertaining, crazy, fun, and fast, I can't wait for the rest of forever with my wife.

1 comment :

  1. This was a good article. after being married to my wife for a little over a year it is interesting for me to hear how other couples are doing and the struggles and triumphs they have. Me and my wife are both from South Dakota and had many friends separately before we got married and moved away. I have realized that finding friends as a married person is a whole new ball game. I know that to make guy friends I joined clubs and worked out and did my best to excercise my superiority physically. This seemed to make me many friends that shared my purpose in life. and as far as making friends with girls there was always a touch of flirt a little and make as many girl-friends as you can mentality to me. I have realized that both these methods fail to fit very well with a married lifestyle. I think i would be interested to hear how you and your husband make friends as married people.
