March 23, 2014

blame it on the hydrocodon.

well world, i have made it almost three full months living with my parents at home.
i experienced this last year and absolutely hated it, so this go round i didn't have high hopes for enjoying my stay. plot twist: i have loved being home for winter. although it is boring sometimes and i miss my friends. it has been so good for me to be in south carolina with my parents, working, and relaxing.

back to the missing my friends part> my life consents of group texts, facetime dates, and daily phone calls. being home is bliss, but not having people to hang out with every day will start to ware on your soul. i guess i don't really like to be every once in awhile is fine, but i need human interaction in my life to live. i have alittle more than three weeks before i get to be reunited with my friends and i could not be more happy. a couple months ago i also found out that one of my best friends taylor serge will be living with me, so yeah you could say i'm over the moon excited. this will be my first semester with no randoms, just my 5 favorite people. spring semester will be superb for sure.
also shout out to the missionaries> more specifically the sisters in my ward. every time i come home from a break from college i always hang out with the sisters. i don't know why but we always get the cutest, funniest ones around. i think i like talking to them so much, because they remind me of all my sister missionary friends out in the field. i just can't describe how much love i have for those ladies.

 i have not had the best of times this past week due to getting my wisdom teeth out. i have never given birth to anything, but i REALLY hope it doesn't hurt as much as this.   
wednesday morning, chan and i arrived at the sketchy (mental hospital) looking oral surgery office at 7:30. i was too tired to be nervous and was excited to experience laughing gas for the first time. spoiler alert-laughing gas does not make you laugh. anyway, i was prepped and "relaxed" when dr. lemons came in to stick me with an IV and get the party started. he made a big deal that he was sticking a needle in me like i was going to scream or something. so then i said something about how i'm tough, because i do plasma all the time and the rest was history. aka a weird dream i had about kim b. clark.
i vaguely remember waking up in a dentist chair whispering the lyrics to wrecking ball and trying to crawl on the ground. my sister was left in a dark room unattended while she stuck her hands her bloody mouth and moaned. it was a good day for the titus twins.
the ride home was interesting to say the least. between choice words, more miley cyrus, and almost being straggled by a seat belt, we made it home in one piece.
-that day we probs slept like 18-20 hours. [apparently we sat and talked to the sister missionaries for an hour but i do not remember that conversation] 
-the next couple days were slightly painful, but more light headed because of the hydrocodon. we watched alot of tv and ate alot of pb & js.
-friday and saturday were the devil though. my mom (bless her heart) didn't want us to get addicted to the narcotics so she tried to lean us off the medicine. it didn't work so well. it felt like my jaw was the pinata at a mexican fiesta. espantoso.
-now it is sunday and the pain has been manageable so hopefully i will be fully recovered and perfect tomorrow. i'm trying to be optimistic.

side note: i am kind of pissed the tooth fairy didn't visit me. like i needed her now more than ever.

 -my life-
consists of facetime, more specifically with baby ashley.

 -i hate children-
the only time i fell was when these brats pushed me down.

 -it was the best day ever-
went to a pound to potentially adopt a dog. not successful.

 -the cold never bothered me anyway-
i hated when it snowed twice, but i LOVE the movie frozen.

it was extra weird to see one of my childhood friends get married.
 -cheers to the new year-
i just love being with morgan and bec.

-deuces good health-
little did we know this would be the high point of the week.

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